Creativity is for Anyone

Creativity is for Anyone

In case this was unclear, we at MossyBrain LOVE creativity. We see it as the strongest weapon in the war against conformity. Creativity is the spice which makes a boring life into an adventure.

Our society is confused about the nature of creativity. Several myths exist regarding creativity that need to be addressed and dispelled.

Myth 1: One Needs Talent to be Creative

We’ve been told that you can’t be creative unless you are oozing with prodigy-level talent. Just think about our most famous creatives- Steve Jobs, Maya Angelou, Jackson Pollock, Prince, Meryl Streep or Steven Spielberg. These creatives are held up as shining examples of human potential. Legends. Do they all have ridiculous talent? Of course they do. But so what? In our instant gratification society, we so often think “…if I can’t win, I won’t play.” Don’t let a lack of talent in a certain area ever discourage you from being creative. Creativity is a way of thinking, not a measurable, limited commodity. Everyone can do SOMETHING creative TODAY.

Myth 2: I Am Not the “Creative Type”

So many of us have been tricked into believing that we are not and cannot be creative. That creativity is only reserved for free-spirited artists and musicians who keep erratic hours and live in hippy communes. Hogwash. Creativity exists in every home, office, school and community, it just doesn’t always look how you think it would. Make a conscious choice to do something differently and create something new. You might surprise yourself with your ingenuity…

Myth 3: Creativity is Not Practical

Authority figures (teachers, parents, managers etc.) love to quash creativity in favor of order and predictability. They will tell you to follow the instructions to get predictable results for whatever the task is (watch The LEGO Movie). But no innovation ever came from doing what has been done before. In order to grow and innovate, creativity is actually the most practical way forward.

These myths masquerade as conventional wisdom, but they are patently false. Here some truths about creativity and how it can affect our lives:

Creativity is an open path, not an exclusive club.

All children are born with creative impulses.  If you ask a room of kindergartners to raise their hands if they are creative, every little hand shoots up.  Ask the same question of a group of college seniors and only a small fraction of the hands will go up. Somewhere between kindergarten and the end of college, creativity gets sucked away from most people. Much of that has to do with flaws in modern educational systems, but other societal pressures and influences exist.

What needs to be understood is that we all have the innate potential to create and to be creative.  It may seem that only a small group of society is creative while most are not, but this is a misconception.  Anyone (and everyone) has access to creativity and an open invitation to live a creative life. Also recognize that creativity should have a place in your life regardless of your career, interests or personality.

Creativity is choice one should make daily.

Creativity is not as a skill that only a select few are appointed with, but is more like a muscle that needs to be exercised regularly to be maximized. Embrace and exercise your creativity and be amazed by the new worlds that open up to you.

Let us know if the comments or by emailing us how you are incorporating creativity into your lifestyle on a daily basis!

Ben Beresh is a designer, filmmaker and co-founder of MossyBrain. Originally from Niagara Falls, ON, he now happily calls Broken Arrow OK home, along with his wife Jessica, four kids and dog Charlie. Ben likes to have a good time, all the time (Enneagram 7), as well as eating all types of sandwiches.

Connect with him on Facebook or

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Welcome to MossyBrain

Welcome to MossyBrain

Hey! Welcome to MossyBrain– we’re glad you’re here.

We’ve got good news and we’ve got bad news.

The bad news is: the world is full of critics and haters. All of us are plagued at one time or another by insecurities, self-doubt, and unworthiness because we allow negative voices to overpower our own inner voice. Also, media and routine can numb our senses and lull us into complacency. We find ourselves floating in a sea of mediocrity and status-quo. We’re afraid to put ourselves out there and risk criticism and, ultimately, rejection. But, don’t despair! Remember, we said we’ve also got good news.

The good news is: creativity is the catalyst that will transform your life. MossyBrain is a space where creativity is discovered, illuminated, and celebrated.

“I have never felt so fertile. I’m mossy, Jerry. My brain is mossy!” -Cosmo Kramer

Here at MossyBrain, we believe ANYONE can be creative.

Are you breathing? Creative potential lives inside you. We want you to join our tribe and embrace the role of creativity in your life. The boundaries that society places around the idea of who “Creatives” are need to be smashed. Together, let’s bust out of our own internally defined chains that limit our creative confidence and therefore, our potential. We also believe that creativity can shine in EVERYTHING we do. The power of creativity can affect every aspect of our lives – our home, our profession, our passions, our parenting, our health, and our personal fulfillment. Creativity is a state of mind and a state of being.

This site exists to encourage our tribe to inhabit a creative lifestyle and outlook- transforming the status quo around us in the process. Our hope is MossyBrain will be a community of support, encouragement, and a challenge for growth on the journey to living your most creative life. Creativity can and should be infused with fun, joy, and levity. A “mossy brain” is a fertile brain – ripe for creativity. Hence, creativity is the path to the solution, whatever the problem.

“Your time is limited. So don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma- which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” -Steve Jobs


If you’re wondering who is responsible for all this, allow us to introduce ourselves.  We are Jessica and Ben Beresh of Broken Arrow OK.

MossyBrain came from our mossy brains. Ben is a musician, filmmaker, photographer and designer.  I am a writer and I love to paint. We are raising four kiddos to celebrate and value creativity in our home and in our lives.  We want to be your biggest cheerleaders in all your creative pursuits and endeavors.

Ben Beresh is a designer, filmmaker and co-founder of MossyBrain. Originally from Niagara Falls, ON, he now happily calls Broken Arrow OK home, along with his wife Jessica, four kids and dog Charlie. Ben likes to have a good time, all the time (Enneagram 7), as well as eating all types of sandwiches.

Connect with him on Facebook or

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