Introducing MossyBrain Tribe

Introducing MossyBrain Tribe

It is a central tenet of MossyBrain that one needs to be surrounded by supportive creative people in order to live your most creative life. There is a very specific, electric synergy that comes from a gathering of creators. In hoping to facilitate that communal, creative experience, we are pleased to announce our very own online MossyBrain community: MossyBrain Tribe.

MossyBrain Tribe is a free private Facebook group that exists to encourage, promote and build up it’s members. Anyone can join the group- we encourage you and anyone in your life who needs a supportive creative community to jump right in. You will be welcomed with open arms and cheered on in all your creative pursuits.

You are NOT alone.

One of the biggest lies ever is that you are alone. Whether you are already a prolific creator or someone who is just beginning their creative journey, there are multitudes of other people JUST LIKE YOU. MossyBrain Tribe is designed to welcome everyone to the table regardless of where they came from so we can grow our creativity TOGETHER.

Share Your Work

This community will give you an opportunity to see the creative projects members are working on, as well as to share your own. This may excite you or it may terrify you. But recognize that MossyBrain Tribe is a safe place for you to be vulnerable, share your work and see what others are doing. Progress, not perfection is the standard we’re shooting for. We’re looking forward to watching the creative growth of our members!

Give and Receive Feedback

We all need peers and we all need mentors. Our hope is that you can find both within MossyBrain Tribe. Be generous in your encouragement of others work and give helpful advice when asked. Ask your own questions and receive valuable feedback about your own ideas and creative pursuits. Remember- you only get what you give. Be kind and be generous!


It is our hope this community will inspire you to enlarge your vision and dream bigger for your life. You bring something extremely unique to this world- we hope that you are able to share your unique spark in a creative way and make your mark on history. YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. Ask yourself- what does the world need that it doesn’t yet have? How can you make that a reality? We are excited at the potential that lies inside you- SHOW US SOMETHING AMAZING!!!!!

Have Fun

We want to enjoy your time with MossyBrain Tribe. Smile. Laugh. Be crazy. Make some new friends. Hopefully you will be energized and uplifted after spending time with the members of this community. Creativity is contagious. Pass it on!

Jessica Beresh is a blogger and co-founder of MossyBrain. Along with her husband Ben, their 4 kids and their sweet puppy Charlie she resides in Broken Arrow OK. She is a 9 on the Enneagram, bringing peace and kindness with her everywhere she goes. She loves Chai (hot or iced) and also rainy days

Connect with her on Facebook or

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